Arduino source code for Autoconnection app controller (ford falcon ver)

Arduino source code for Autoconnection app controller (ford falcon ver)

// Coded by joe jo
//copyright on joe jo.
//copy and paste below codes to arduino

#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

String data = "0";            //Variable for storing received data
int analogInput = A0;
float Vout = 0.00;
float Vin = 0.00;
float R1 = 100000.00; // resistance of R1 (100K)
float R2 = 10000.00; // resistance of R2 (10K)
int val = 0;
int doorstatus_pin = 2;
String password = "0000";

int ig_acc = 3;
int ig_on = 4;
int ig_start = 5;
int extra = 6;

int door = 7;
int trunk = 8;
int light = 9;

int igset = 0;

void Wait()
   uint8_t i=0;
void callback()

   val = analogRead(analogInput);//reads the analog input
   Vout = (val * 5.00) / 1024.00; // formula for calculating voltage out i.e. V+, here 5.00
   Vin = (Vout / (R2/(R1+R2)))+0.27; // formula for calculating voltage in i.e. GND
   if (Vin<0.09)//condition
     Vin=0.00;//statement to quash undesired reading !

Serial.print(" ");

void setup()
    Serial.begin(9600);   //Sets the baud for serial data transmission                         
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  //Sets digital pin 13 as output pin
    //pinMode(2, INPUT);  //Sets digital pin 2 as Input pin
    pinMode(doorstatus_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); //normally input is pull down status
    //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(doorstatus_pin), door_status, CHANGE);
    pinMode(analogInput, INPUT); //assigning the input port

    pinMode(door, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ig_acc, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ig_on, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ig_start, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(trunk, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(light, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(extra, OUTPUT);

    digitalWrite(door, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_acc, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_on, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_start, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trunk, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(extra, HIGH);

  Timer1.initialize(1000000*3);         // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period
  //Timer1.pwm(9, 512);                // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle
  Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt


void ig_status()
  switch (igset){
    case (0) : Serial.println(" i0");  break;
    case (1) : Serial.println(" i1");  break;
    case (2) : Serial.println(" i2"); break;
    case (3) : Serial.println(" i3");  break;
void igup()
  igset = igset + 1;

    if (igset >= 3)
      igset = 3;


//we call IG up
void igdown()
  igset = igset - 1;

    if (igset <= 0)
      igset = 0;

void igsetup()

    switch (igset){
    case (0) : igoff_f(); break;
    case (1) : igacc_f(); break;
    case (2) : igon_f(); break;
    case (3) : igstart_f(); break;

void igoff_f()
{igset = 0;

    digitalWrite(ig_acc, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_on, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_start, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);

void igacc_f()
  igset = 1;

    digitalWrite(ig_acc, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ig_on, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ig_start, HIGH);
void igon_f()
  igset = 2;

    digitalWrite(ig_acc, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ig_on, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ig_start, HIGH);

void igstart_f()
igset = 3;
    digitalWrite(ig_acc, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ig_on, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ig_start, LOW);
     delay(1000*3); igon_f();
          // interrupts();

void door_status()
  // critical, time-sensitive code here

             if (digitalRead(doorstatus_pin) == HIGH)
             {Serial.println(" dl");}
             {Serial.println(" du");}//only when grounded
              delay(100); //for switching effect

  // other code here   

void autounlock()

             if (digitalRead(doorstatus_pin) == HIGH)
             {Serial.println(" dl");
             digitalWrite(door, LOW);
             digitalWrite(door, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(13, LOW);
             {Serial.println(" du");}//only when grounded
              delay(100); //for switching effect


void door_f()

             digitalWrite(door, LOW);
             digitalWrite(door, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(13, LOW);


void light_f()

             digitalWrite(light, LOW);
             digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(13, LOW);


void extra_f()

             digitalWrite(extra, LOW);
             digitalWrite(extra, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(13, LOW);


void trunk_f()

             digitalWrite(trunk, LOW);
             digitalWrite(trunk, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(13, LOW);

void loop()

   if(Serial.available() > 0)      // Send data only when you receive data:

      data = Serial.readString();        //Read the incoming data & store into data
      Serial.print(data);          //Print Value inside data in Serial monitor

      if(data.startsWith(password) && (data.charAt(4) == '%'))// chartAT(start from'0') 

           digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   //If value is 1 then LED turns ON
          // Serial.println("matched password");
           if (data.endsWith("x") && (data.charAt(5) == '1'))
            if (igset == 0){  autounlock();  Serial.println("autounlock");}   
           if (data.endsWith("x") && (data.charAt(6) == '1'))
            if (igset == 0){
             igset = 3;
             igsetup(); Serial.println("autostart");}
           if (data.endsWith("x") && (data.charAt(7) == '1'))
             if (igset == 0){ light_f(); Serial.println("autolight"); }     
           if (data.endsWith("door"))
           else if (data.endsWith("light"))
           else if (data.endsWith("extra"))
           else if (data.endsWith("trunk"))
           else if (data.endsWith("status"))
           else if (data.endsWith("igup"))
           else if (data.endsWith("igdown"))
      else if(data.startsWith(password) && (data.charAt(4) == '$'))
            Serial.println(" sa");
            password[0] = data.charAt(5);
            password[1] = data.charAt(6);
            password[2] = data.charAt(7);
            password[3] = data.charAt(8);

        Serial.println(" wr");//wrong password
         digitalWrite(13, LOW);


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