testing A3144 sensor

A3144 hall effect sensor problems
Today I got A3144 hall sensor.
First I thought I might use this sensor As current limiter .
but . turns out this pickup strong magnet in very close distance as only on 5v or 0v ( when pickup magnet).
default 5v and when pickup magnetic field, out put 5v.

has to very close distance to sensing.

I flow the strong current about 10Amp(create short circuit) but still not pick up magnetic field.

 wrong wiring damage step module, 
Found P mosfet blown possibly short circuit on P-mosfet output with ground.
First I thought N-mosfet blown ,, But later found P-mosfet is the one.

making 24 to 12v step down power supply.

LM2596 is only supply max 3A. and 
even 3A is became too hot 

so instead of LM2596, I tried to make power supply using same principle like LM2596, 
using inductor and capacitor with maxium pwm speed of AT328p 4Mhz. 
faster then LM2596, so if i using right inductor and capacitor , then can make power supply using 30-50A mosfet. I successfuly create 4Mhz pwm using ARDUINO, and then when I using pulse signal 5v to make amplifed 12volt to control MOSFET. but signal became flat... I think, none of transistor or optocoupler, is not fast enough to fallow speed in my hand .I am not sure exist one. so last trried,  I connect to LM2596 output signal to mosfet Gate pin, Mosfet is not fast enough as well..

So far I fail.
but I tried to make LM2596 - 12v fixed one 
But I can not make  3-5 paralle circuit to make power supply 24 to 12v .../.
will not even power load on LM2596 , possibly burn one LM2596 first.

but first have to test and LM2596 need to precies.

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